We can consider aromatherapy as alternative form of psychotherapy. This therapy by natural way is healing the human mind, body and soul. Many ancient civilizations in Egypt, China, and India used aromatherapy as a popular complementary and alternative treatment. It uses essential oils as the main therapeutic resource for the treatment of several diseases. For example if you feel tired, stressed out -Essential Lemon oil (stimulates mood, acts against fatigue and stress) can be applied.
Who is this therapy for?
For everyone who suffers:
Muscle pain, depression, anxiety, indigestion, headache, insomnia, breathing difficulty, skin diseases, swelling and other complications.
Aromatherapy is part of every therapy you order and is included in the price. This means that you will inhale essential oils during all therapies from a diffuser, or by inhalation from your own skin, on which drops of essential oil will be applied. The essential oil will be applied in such a way that it corresponds to your problems or pain.
Music therapy
Music as one of the forms or manifestation of art supports and affects each of us. Based on tones, vibrations is getting into our souls, it shapes us, it can change our experience, mood and many people also heal on the basis of observing the text, melody and understanding. Among the expressive procedures of music therapy is listening to relaxing music, individual sounds or tones. This form of therapy is also used in every other therapy that you order and is included in the price.